Term 1, Week 2 2025
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been fantastic to see so many familiar faces at St Saviour's Primary School over the last two weeks and I am grateful that parents have had the opportunity to visit the school and be engaged in your child/ren's learning during this time. There has been positive feedback on the Years 3-6 swimming carnival, the new process for parent/teacher meetings and the Welcome BBQ. Whilst it has been a busy start to the new school year, it has also been incredibly rewarding for our staff who have had the opportunity to engage so comfortably with you and your child/ren.
As we embark on the journey of a new school year, I am thrilled to share our strategic priorities for 2025 so that our students can 'Strive in Faith, Learning and Life'. This year, our focus is on four key areas that will enhance the educational experience for all our students: bringing to life the SSPS Mercy Values, a strong emphasis on reading and the science of reading, the release of a student engagement framework, and the creation of a new master plan.
1. Bringing to Life the School Mercy Values: Compassion, Service, and Excellence
At the heart of our school ethos are the Mercy Values of Compassion, Service, and Excellence. This year, we will be focusing on integrating these values into every aspect of school life. Through various initiatives, we aim to nurture a compassionate and supportive environment, encourage students to serve their communities, and strive for excellence in all endeavors. We believe that by embodying these values, our students will grow into well-rounded individuals who make positive contributions to society.
2. A Focus on Reading and the Science of Reading
Reading is a fundamental skill that forms the foundation of all learning. This year, we are placing a strong emphasis on enhancing our students' reading abilities. We will be implementing evidence-based practices rooted in the science of reading and Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum to support students at every stage of their reading journey. Our goal is to ensure that every child becomes a confident and proficient reader, opening doors to a world of knowledge and opportunities.
3. Master Plan Consultation
In our continuous efforts to improve our school's facilities and resources, we will be engaging in a comprehensive master plan consultation. This process will involve gathering input from students, parents, staff, and the wider community to create a vision for the future of our school. Your feedback and involvement will be crucial in shaping a learning environment that meets the evolving needs of our students and supports their academic and personal growth.
4. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Project
To ensure the success of every student, we are excited to introduce the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) project. This initiative aims to provide targeted support to students in areas of academics, social-emotional development, and behaviour. By using data-driven decision-making and a tiered approach to intervention, we can address the diverse needs of our students and help them thrive in all aspects of their education. As we recognise the importance of fostering a positive and engaging learning environment, the launch of our SSPS Student Engagement Framework is also something to look forward to in 2025. Further information will be available in the near future.
We are confident that these strategic priorities will create a positive and enriching experience for our students in 2025. I encourage you to stay involved and participate in the various activities and consultations throughout the year. Together, we can make this a year of growth, learning, and achievement for our entire school community.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Warm regards,
Sam Hannant
….experiencing FAITH in the Mercy Tradition
Dear families
Welcome back to the new school year. It is wonderful to see our staff and students back, looking refreshed and ready for a new year of opportunities, teaching and learning.
During the Professional Development week in which our staff took part before school began, we took the time to focus on how we can bring our values to life and see them in action. We really want to “walk the talk” as a staff and in turn support our students to do the same. Our Mercy values are based on the life of our foundress, Catherine McAuley but in essence we learn about the Gospel values from the best teacher of all, Jesus.
It is also a special year in the Catholic church – Pope Francis declared 2025 to be a Jubilee Year in the Catholic Church. Every twenty-five years, the Catholic Church celebrates a sacred Jubilee to encourage special prayers and sacred pilgrimages. From Christmas Eve in 2024 to the Epiphany on January 6, 2026, Pope Francis invites us to be “Pilgrims of Hope.” Catholics are encouraged to embark on a holy journey, known as a pilgrimage, to Rome or other sacred sites closer to home. The holy doors of the four major basilicas are normally cemented shut, but during Jubilee Years they are opened! Pilgrims will enter these sacred buildings through the holy doors as a symbol of salvation through Jesus Christ, who once called himself “the gate” through which we are saved (Jn 10:9).
On Friday 19th January, our SSPS staff embarked on our own Pilgrimage through our own community of Toowoomba. We stopped at significant sites (Eg Mosque, Police memorial & Mother’s memorial and more) to listen, reflect on Scripture and pray. It was such a wonderful experience to share together and I thank our wonderful staff for their full participation.
Term 1 sees us celebrate our first whole school Mass together in Week 4 on Wednesday 19th February at 9.30am at St Patrick’s Cathedral. All are welcome! We’d love to see you there. This Mass not only brings a sense of Welcome to all, current and new students, but it will also be a celebration of 50 years of Service to SSPS by our very own Marg Doljanin. What a career! Looking back over those 50 years to Catholic Education, Marg has absolutely lived by our Mercy values of Service, Compassion and Excellence and it is our honour to celebrate a wonderful achievement with her at our Mass. Please join us.
In 2024, we began a very rewarding and worthwhile collegial relationship with the Profession Schindler Primary School in PNG. Orla & Lotte McDonald visited the school, founded by their Great, Great, Great Grandfather. (See photos attached of their visit) To continue this whole school Service activity to our friends in PNG, we are accepting donations of reading Books for the school – all types of reading books are gratefully accepted; Fiction, Non-Fiction books for all ages from Toddler to young adult. They are in need of quality texts. If you’ve ANY readers at home that are no longer being used, please drop them into the Primary school office at any time. This will be an ongoing need and the donations will be collected at different times throughout the year. Thank you for your support.
The new play space on our oval is being enjoyed by our students and part of the design included out door learning spaces by way of inclusion of the Yarning circle planning. We’d love to hear your ideas and thinking around how we can design this space in consultation with local artist Kim Walmsley. We want to hear your voice so that we can collaborate on ideas as to how we can best have this space reflect who we are as a community and in particular, those students who are First Australians. Email your thoughts and suggestions to ann-maree.ward@twb.catholic.edu.au Thank you for giving this your time and consideration.
A prayer for you as you journey through the year; Gracious God, your love brings us hope. Open our hearts for your precious gifts in this year of Jubilee. Help us to be willing to ‘reset’ our lives and to release all that binds the freedom of others. We pray in the name of our great teacher, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have a peace and grace filled week. Be sure to do one thing that fills your cup and brings you joy.
Thanks for reading,
Ann-Maree Ward (Assistant Principal – Mission & Identity)
Save the date - St Patrick's Cathedral Parish invites you to celebrate St Patrick's Day on Saturday evening March 15 in the Cathedral centre. More to details to come.
Dear Parents and Carers
It is with excitement and gratitude that I write the first newsletter of 2025. Welcome back to all our SSPS families and a very warm welcome to our 78 new Preppies and the 25 new students joining our community. We thank you all for choosing to be a part of SSPS and look forward to journeying with you across the year as we strive in ‘faith, learning and life’. It was lovely to see the SSPS community out in force last night at the Welcome BBQ. Thank you to the parents who gave of their time to assist.
Parent Engagement Network
We extend a warm invitation to all parents in our community to the first meeting of the Parent Engagement Network (PEN). The PEN meets once a term and provides an effective avenue for parents and families to come together to be informed, consulted and explore in relation to school planning, policy, decision making and education programs. It is also an avenue for parents to engage in activities, projects and events that help to build the SSPS community. Everyone is welcome to PEN meetings and we are always looking to encourage new people to attend. They are usually conducted in Week 4 of each term. Our first meeting will be on Thursday the 20th of February at 5pm beginning with the AGM and followed by the general meeting.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you to all the parents who were able to meet their child’s teacher and discuss their child from a parent’s perspective this week. This is a new a practice for our community, and one that may take some time to get used to for both teachers and parents. The benefits of establishing collaborative and respectful relationships between teachers and parents early in the year, however, is worth the investment. Once these relationships have been established regular and timely communication is the goal as the year progresses.
Assembly 2025
This year we will be celebrating assembly on Monday mornings on odd weeks of term. Parents are always welcome to attend. During assembly class awards will be given out towards the beginning of assembly to enable parents to leave if they need to. Assembly will start next week (Week 3) on Monday the 10th of February at 8.40 in the Mercy Centre.
Morning and Afternoon Routine
It has been wonderful to see so many parents in the school grounds. In the first couple of weeks of each new year we expect that this will be the case as everyone settles in. It is important that the community is aware of the procedures that are in place to ensure your children are safe and supervised when at school.
- There are teachers on duty in the Boulder Area, Primary Oval and Prep playground from 8.10 every day. From this point on children will be supervised and parents are welcome to leave as they need, up to, and including, 8.25am when the whistle blows to line up.
- It is very important that no students are on the primary oval prior to 8.10am, even if their parent/guardian is present. This is a duty of care issue that is important to adhere to. Year 1 and 2 parents who bring their children to school prior to 8.10 are welcome to wait with their child on the cement area near the lift and 1W classroom or in the Boulder Area upstairs where all students without an adult wait prior to a teacher’s arrival.
- At 8.10 the teacher will escort all Year 1, 2 and 3 students down onto the oval. Once the teacher is on the oval we encourage students to leave their bag on the tiered seating and have a play either on the oval, on the Ninja Warrior course or the junior playground prior to the whistle blowing.
- Year 4 – 6 students can play in the Boulder Area from 8.10 (handballs are popular!) until the whistle blows and they line up in the Mercy Centre.
After school it is important that children move to their pickup point swiftly.
- In the shed, students are sitting in alphabetical order based on the first letter of their last names. They are getting better each day at this, and it is hoped that parents will also be able to find their child more easily if they physically come into the shed. If you do this, you are welcome to walk across the front of the shed towards the oval, walk along the yellow line to find the marker with the letter of your child’s last name and then hopefully your child!
- If you are picking up your child and are on the grounds, we ask that you please leave promptly. Playing on the play equipment or in the Prep playground is not encouraged after school.
Stop Drop and Go Etiquette
Just some reminders for using the Stop, Drop and Go.
- Please ensure that when you turn into the driveway there is room for you to drive your car fully into the line. Sitting on the road in front of the driveway or blocking the nature strip is illegal. Police have patrolled the school zebra crossing, regularly issuing fines for this practice.
- We acknowledge that small children take time to learn how to load themselves into their car and put their seat belts on. At times, an adult may need to help this process, however, please be mindful that holding up the line for significant amounts of time creates a knock-on effect. Building independence with this practice is an important skill to develop if using the Stop, Drop and Go.
- Patience is a quality we all need to practice in the pickup line. It really is a small amount of time in our day when we consider that most days by 3.25 you would not even know that the area had been so busy with cars and children.
Please reach out if you have any questions around the procedures detailed above. My email adress is Katie.Hauser@twb.catholic.edu.au. I hope you can enjoy some relaxing time with your child this weekend after their first five-day week of school for 2025!
Katie Hauser
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to another exciting year of learning and adventures at SSPS.
Science – Technology – Engineering- Maths.
STEM is a focus in our classrooms at SSPS where students work towards becoming active participants in a digital world that is ever changing and evolving. We provide many opportunities to develop skills with digital tools, educate students on the importance of being safe online and how to become critical users of technology. Our teachers incorporate STEM into everyday activities in the classrooms, following the design thinking process which allows students to plan, design, create, think, reflect and evaluate. This year our Junior and Senior STEM clubs will commence in Week 4 of Term 1and will run for a 5 week period. Our Junior STEM club for Prep – Year 3 will operate before school with Mrs Hawkins, Mrs Laing, Miss K and Mrs Wann, while our Senior STEM club will operate during lunch times by Mrs Bennett. Information and sign up for our Junior and Senior STEM Club will be sent out early next week.
Learner Qualities
It has been so wonderful welcoming all students back to our learning spaces over the past two weeks and witnessing a genuine enthusiasm for learning in our classrooms. This year we continue to embrace our St Saviour’s learner qualities in all we do and our learner qualities have been prevalent already in our first two weeks of school. We encourage you to talk to your child about these learner qualities at home. Here are some ideas on how you might encourage your child to be determined:
- Having a go at their homework before asking for help. You might encourage them to do the parts they can and then think about specific questions they might need to ask you or their teacher to seek clarification on the task.
- Getting dressed by themselves, packing their own bags and completing jobs without being asked or with minimal assistance.
Version 9 Curriculum
In 2025, we continue to roll out Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum at SSPS. This year our classroom teachers will now use Version 9 in Science and technology, along with English, Maths and HASS which was rolled out in 2024. Our specialist teachers are using Version 9 in HPE, Music, Drama, Dance and LOTE.
Our teachers will begin to communicate these changes with you through communication notes, as well as further information being published in our school newsletters. Version 9 of the curriculum is not expected to be fully implemented until 2027.
Phonics at SSPS
As you will be aware our school has taken a synthetic approach to phonics to align with Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum. This has seen SSPS using Decodable Readers Australia in Prep to Year 2 to support our teaching of phonics and reading. The process of rolling out decodable readers and a synthetic approach to phonics is well underway as we spend time updating our resources and investing time in training staff and parents on how to best support children. This year in Year 3 – 6 we will take on Jocelyn Seamer Resources to support our older students in phonics and spelling. Further information will be provided by classroom teachers and via the school newsletter.
We look forward to a great year of learning and growth,
Bec Thomas
A relatively new document, the Toowoomba Catholic Schools (TCS) Parent Code of Conduct is a companion document to our existing TCS Parent Engagement Charter.
The TCS Parent Engagement Charter affirms the relationship between parents and staff which, as we know, works best when it is based on mutual respect and acknowledgement of the unique contribution that each party makes to the educational experience of students. Positive, healthy relationships are a feature of a distinctively Catholic community.
The new document, the TCS Parent Code of Conduct, defines the boundaries within which the relationship between parents and the school occurs most effectively. The TCS Parent Code of Conduct makes clear and explicit what has largely been assumed and unwritten in the past. It is what most parents would consider essential and appropriate if schools are to function at their best.
Both documents apply to all schools within the TCS community and form a part of the Enrolment Agreement between parents/legal guardians and the school.
Links to both documents are included below for your information and convenience.
St Saviour's Primary Swimming Carnival 2025
The St Saviour’s Primary Swimming Carnival took place on February 4th at the Glennie Aquatic Centre. Students from Year Three to Year Six participated in freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly events, competing in both 50m and 25m distances. The event concluded with a Year Six relay featuring the four houses.
All students demonstrated commendable effort in both their swimming performances and their enthusiastic support for their peers. The competition was intense, with Goretti emerging as the overall winning house and McAuley securing victory in the relay.
We extend our congratulations to the age champions and to those students who will represent St Saviour’s Primary at the Catholic and Central Zone swimming carnivals. Well done to all participants.
- 9-Year-Old Girls – Huntah Collins, Zavannah Madigan (Runner Up)
- 10-Year-Old Girls – Chelsea Ray, Jemma McHugh (Runner Up)
- 11-Year-Old Girls – Nina Lucas, Letti Stephenson (Runner Up)
- 12-Year-Old Girls – Lola Wood, Zac Zimmerle (Runner Up)
- 9-Year-Old Boys – Mach Adol, Alfie Benvenuti (Runner Up)
- 10-Year-Old Boys – Cooper Skuse, Levi Nash (Runner Up)
- 11-Year-Old Boys – Liam Enders, Lachlan Scott (Runner Up)
- 12-Year-Old Boys – William Prust, Chase Hartwig (Runner Up)
St Saviour’s Primary School Records Broken
- Wyatt Goodsell – Boys 8 25m Butterfly – 33.10
- Huntah Collins – Girls 9 25m Butterfly – 24.87
- Lachlan Scott – Boys 11 25m Butterfly – 25.12
- Sam Scott – Boys 8 25m Backstroke – 31.82
- Sam Scott – Boys 8 25m Breaststroke – 38.31
- Sam Scott – Boys 8 25m Freestyle – 25.91
Fitness Club
Fitness Club is a fantastic opportunity for your child to boost their fitness while having fun with friends, all in preparation for the St Saviour’s Primary Cross Country in the last week of Term One. Open to students from Year Three to Year Six, these sessions are designed to be both enjoyable and beneficial.
Sessions will be held every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 7:15am to 8am, starting on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, and continuing until Thursday, March 27th, 2025. Whether your child attends all sessions, once a week, or as often as fits your family’s schedule, they will benefit from the expert guidance of Mrs. McHugh, Mrs. Wagner, Mr. Logan, and myself.
We aim to create a supportive and energetic environment where your child can thrive. If you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to email me at Brendan.luck@twb.catholic.edu.au. We look forward to seeing your child there!
Permission (Prep – Year Two)
I have sent out a notification via Parent Portal requesting your permission for your child to participate in sporting events for 2025. To streamline the process, you will only need to complete one permission form for all the sporting events your child will be involved in throughout the year. This form outlines all the sporting events and activities.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me at Brendan.luck@twb.catholic.edu.au.
Zone and Darling Downs Trials
All information regarding Zone and Darling Downs trials will be posted on Parent Portal. To ensure your child is eligible to trial for these sporting teams, please check the Parent Portal regularly or set up notifications on your phone. You will need to obtain the necessary paperwork from myself.
Please be aware that I am unable to nominate students after the closing date, so it is crucial to monitor the Parent Portal. If you have any questions, please contact me at brendan.luck@twb.catholic.edu.au.
Upcoming Events (Term One)
- Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival – Thursday 13th February 2025 (9am – 2pm)
- Central Zone Swimming Carnival – Tuesday 18th February 2025 (9am-2pm)
- Year 3-6 Swimming Lessons – 24/02/25 – 28/02/25 (10:30am – 1pm)
- Darling Downs Swimming Carnival – Wednesday 5th March 2025 (9am – 2pm)
- Prep – Year 2 Swimming Lessons – 17/3/25 – 21/03/2025 (10:30am – 1pm)
- Prep – Year 2 Swimming Carnival – Monday 31st March 2025 (9am-12:30pm)
- Catholic Schools T-Ball Gala Day (Year 4) – Tuesday 1st April 2025 (9am-2pm)
- SSPS Cross Country – Friday 4th April 2025 (8:30am – 1pm)
Brendan Luck
HPE Teacher
We celebrate Queensland Schools Library Week from 10th - 14th February with the theme School Libraries Window to the World. Students will contribute their ideas around using the library to see the world and have an opportunity to enter the creative competition run by the Queensland School Library Association (QSLA) see details below.
Prep - Year 2: What is your favourite story? Draw or paint a picture to illustrate this. Your picture should be on an A4 sheet. Add a caption if you like.
Year 3 - Year 6: The theme is Window to the World. Produce an artwork to reflect the theme Window to the World.
All entries will need to be in the library by Monday 17th February and one entry from each category will be chosen to go to the state competition.
Read more about the competition, and see last year's entries at Qld School Library Week — Queensland School Library Association
Library Browse and Borrow Timetable
Borrowing opportunities have begun so please check in with your students and share some reading time with their free choice books.
Thank you for providing library bags. Students are required to have their bag at school to be able to take their loans home. Thank you also for supporting the packing of library bags and books for return on or before the next borrowing session.
Library Lunchtime Activities
Students are welcome to spend some of their lunch play time in the library each Monday and Wednesday. Activities range from reading, drawing, creating with paper, playing board games and building with lego.
Family Book Club
We will meet on Monday afternoon 24th February (Week 5) at 3.15pm in the library to chat about "The Case of the Polar Poachers" and to decide on our next read. I have a copy of the book to lend if you are keen to read together at home and join us for afternoon tea on the 24th.
Happy Reading
Anne Anderson
Teacher Librarian
Dear Families,
Welcome back to another exciting school year! Whether you are returning or joining us for the first time, we are thrilled to have you as part of our school community. As the school guidance counsellor, I am committed to supporting the wellbeing and growth of all our students.
This year, we are proud to continue our comprehensive wellbeing program, which includes several key initiatives designed to foster a positive and supportive learning environment:
Fortnightly Positive Education Enhanced Curriculum Lessons: Inspired by the Geelong Grammar model, these lessons focus on building resilience, emotional intelligence, and a growth mindset. Students will engage in activities that promote self-awareness, empathy, and positive relationships.
Daily Welcome Circles: Each day begins with a welcome circle, a form of circle time where students and teachers gather to greet each other, share thoughts, and set a positive tone for the day. This practice helps build a sense of community, encourages open communication, and supports emotional regulation.
Visual Prompts and Coping Strategies: To help students manage their emotions and develop effective coping strategies, we have introduced new visual prompts and coping tools. Each classroom will feature desk prompts and posters that guide students in identifying their feelings, practicing breathing techniques, and adopting a growth mindset.
We are also excited to introduce our new student practitioner, Joanna Holden. Joanna will be with us throughout Semester 1. She is completing her Master's in Clinical Psychology and will be working with students in individual counselling, group counselling, and psychoeducational assessments. Her expertise will be a valuable addition to our support team.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss our wellbeing initiatives or support for your child, please do not hesitate to contact me via phone or email at anne.woodcroft-brown@twb.catholic.edu.au. I look forward to working together to ensure a successful and fulfilling school year for all our students.
Warm regards,
Anne Woodcroft-Brown
School Guidance Counsellor