Learning Support News
Welcome to all families, whether you are returning or whether you are new to our wonderful school. Learning support is a highly valued and integral part of St Saviour’s Primary School. All teachers in catholic schools are committed to ensuring all students experience academic success and achieve their best. We believe that every child can learn and the needs of every child are important. One way that St Saviour’s Primary School personalises all student learning is by optimising the support of the Learning Support Program led by myself.
The triangle below demonstrates how student learning is organised.
Many specialists support the learning process at St Saviour’s Primary. Staff have access to a Speech Pathologist, an Occupational Therapist, specialist teachers and our School Counsellor, Ms Anne Woodcroft-Brown, to support teachers to ensure they use the best methods to maximise all student learning. School structures and processes assist in designing, planning and organising classroom learning to match your child’s learning.
You, as parents, are key contributors to your child’s learning and your input is welcome. If you wish any further information regarding Learning Support at our school, please do not hesitate to contact me through the office.
I look forward to working closely with all classroom teachers to support the educational needs of your children.
Annette Murdoch
Learning Support Teacher